Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lately I've been thinking about rest. 
I do not rest well.
I like to get things done and usually have too much guilt to carve out quality quiet time.
It is a problem. 
Camp life can translate into working on multiple projects at once...
there is always a mountain of mail.....
there are hungry campers to feed....
there are programs to plan, details to tend, emails to answer...
There is the constant scramble to stay ahead of whatever is coming next.
I usually fail when it comes to embracing the richness of each moment.
But today, I found these words and they reminded me to wonder.....

To Come Into the Water
Requires a road
That never ends
But flows, inch by inch,
To where we have come
Drawn to the light glistening
Out of the dark
Into the miracle fire.

Come into the water,
A river home awash
With shoes, toys, food, song,
And children, children churning
Around tables and our ankles.
We are led by three girls
In pink raincoats scampering over
Root strewn trails, when suddenly 
We all shimmer,
Wet with faith as we settle
Into rest here at Drift Creek,
Gratitude rising with the rain
For the mingling of God's great love
And the pleasure of this sabbath.

Former DCC Director, Ron Sears, October 14, 2012